Doctors to Canada
is a service based on relationship
We are a full-service entity that provides information and a full spectrum of resources for physicians who are looking to relocate to Canada.
These include:
Medical Licensing
visa processing
medical practice evaluations and recommendations
contract negotiations
taxes and banking
The physicians who work with us trust us because we are thorough and look at the relocation in totality from the perspective of medical practice and lifestyle balance and family.
Doctors to Canada offers an insight into how medicine is planned, structured and delivered. We provide physicians with advice about practices in Fee for service FHG (Family Health Group), FHO (Family Health Organization) and FHT’s(Family Health Teams). We can provide advice on contract negotiations including split, terms, benefits and relocation packages.

Our Services also include guiding physicians through the medical licensing in Ontario as well as establishing guidance for practice management, billing, and various laws that govern medical practice in Ontario.
We have been managing medical practices for over 30 years and can provide insight for newcomers to avoid pitfalls and to build a better future for themselves and their families. We have listings with practices in cities, peripheral suburbs, rural areas and beautiful regions across the province of Ontario.